Your Hotel, Restau­rant & Café in Groß­bet­tlin­gen
in Eng­lish For inter­na­tion­als

Wir wün­schen einen guten Start im neuen Jahr! Unser Betrieb ist bis ein­schließlich 07.01.2024 geschlossen.

Ab Mon­tag, dem 8. Jan­u­ar sind wieder wie gewohnt für Sie da!

Our Restaurant

The Restau­rant Bauer will make your meal for busi­ness friends, a din­ner for two or a fam­i­ly meal an expe­ri­ence. Our menu offers clas­sic cui­sine with high­ly appre­ci­at­ed region­al dish­es. We stand for sea­son­al dish­es with fresh ingre­di­ents from the near­by farm­ers around Groß­bet­tlin­gen.
You will find the per­fect accom­pa­ni­ment to your meal in our wine list with region­al and inter­na­tion­al wines.

Our Hotel

The Hotel Bauer is cen­tral­ly locat­ed in Groß­bet­tlin­gen — between Stuttgart and the Out­letc­i­ty Met­zin­gen — and offers com­fort­able rooms with beds for a total of 37 guests.

They are equipped with bath/shower, WC, some with bal­cony, cable TV, tele­phone and wire­less LAN. Prices include VAT and break­fast from the buf­fet.

Prices start­ing from 76€ per night / room incl. break­fast. Request and book your stay now.

Our Hotel

The Hotel Bauer is cen­tral­ly locat­ed in Groß­bet­tlin­gen — between Stuttgart and the Out­letc­i­ty Met­zin­gen — and offers com­fort­able rooms with beds for a total of 37 guests.

They are equipped with bath/shower, WC, some with bal­cony, cable TV, tele­phone and wire­less LAN. Prices include VAT and break­fast from the buf­fet.

Prices start­ing from 76€ per night / room incl. break­fast. Request and book your stay now.

Our History

Since open­ing in 1989, our fam­i­ly-run hotel has under­gone con­stant change. First as a hotel gar­ni, with just 15 rooms and a small café where the home­made cakes and tarts were very pop­u­lar. Lat­er, we expand­ed to include hot meals, ini­tial­ly with small­er dish­es.

Qual­i­ty speaks for itself, so we were able to expand a lit­tle and today, in the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion, we not only offer you our high­ly appre­ci­at­ed dish­es, but also sep­a­rate adjoin­ing rooms for cel­e­bra­tions of all kinds with up to 40 peo­ple.

Opening Hours

Mon­day to Thurs­day
11:30 — 14:00 and 17:30 — 23:00
11:30 a.m. — 3 p.m.
Fri­day and Sat­ur­day

Hot kitchen

Mon­day to Thurs­day
from 11:30 to 13:30
from 17:30 to 21 o’clock
from 11:30 to 14 o’clock


Reservierungsanfrage Restaurant

Infos & Reservierung

Warme Küche

Montag bis Donnerstag
von 11:30 bis 13:30 Uhr
von 17:30 bis 21 Uhr
von 11:30 bis 14 Uhr
Freitag und Samstag ist Ruhetag

Mittagstisch diese Woche

Hotel Café Bauer
Nürtinger Straße 41
72663 Großbettlingen
+49 7022 94410

Buchungsanfrage Hotel